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William England 1773

DSA Newsletter for March 2023


Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Final Regulation

 DDD is implementing the Home and Community-Based Service Rules enacted by the Federal Government through Medicaid. These rules are in Section 11.7 of the Supports and Community Care Manuals. You can download a copy of this section in the documents section below.

The final Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) regulations set forth new requirements for several Medicaid authorities under which states may provide home and community-based long-term services and supports. The regulations enhance the quality of HCBS and provide additional protections to individuals that receive services under these Medicaid authorities. Please review the updates and information here: HCBS Rules and Regulation

DSA Hosting free, online Transitions Webinar

Disability Services and Advocacy is hosting a Webinar 2.23.2023 7:30pm-9pm. 

Register to hear more information on Transitioning from School age to DDD and the Adult Programs.

Job Opportunities

Disability Services and Advocacy is hiring support coordinators statewide. If interested apply here:

Support Coordinators are to adhere to the responsibilities required by the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) including:

  • Explaining to consumers and their families the new Fee-for-Service individualized budget system supporting people with developmental disabilities in NJ
  • Working with the person and family in creating a support and service plan that details: how best to support the person, defines the needed services and their cost while ensuring the plan is within their budget, selects providers that will implement the plan
  • Monitoring the implementation of the plan with monthly phone contact, quarterly face-to-face visits, annual home visits, and subsequent reports
  • Adjusting the plan as needed to reflect the changing goals and needs of the consumer and or family
  • Assisting the person and family in successfully navigating the complex social service and provider system supporting people with disabilities in your market area
  • Effectively listen, communicate, and provide compassionate support to the consumer and their family
  • Learning and becoming comfortable discussing the financial and legal issues facing people with disabilities and their families including: Guardianship, Wills, and Special Needs Trusts
  • Inputting and updating all support activity as required by DDD and DS&A
  • Responding quickly (within 48 hours or less) to all requests for information from: consumers, their family, providers, DDD officials, and DS&A management regarding the consumers your serve
  • Effectively use technology in communication with consumers and preparing service plans and budgets
  • Represent DS&A in a professional manner upholding the values it represents

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